
Lake Halford

Previously named Carroll County Thousand Acre Recreation Lake


Dimensions and Other Details

This information was obtained from various sources and is not guaranteed to be accurate.

Where the information differed, a range is shown.



Total Size: 1,241.15 acres

Main Area: 1,232.75 acres

Park Area:  8.4 acres



Surface Area:  977 - 1,000 acres

Maximum Depth:  48 - 50 feet

Average Depth:  17 - 20 feet*

Surface Elevation:  500 feet

Volume:  5.5 billion gallons (17,000 acre-feet)

Shoreline:  22.5 miles

Length:  3.5 miles


Length:  2,400 - 2,500 feet

Width:  350 - 400 feet

Height:  59 - 60 feet

Volume:  650,000 cubic yards



Number:  3 for initial filling

Diameter:  12 inches

Depth:  375 - 400 feet

Pump:  75 horsepower electric

Output:  1,400 gallons per minute (each)

*  The average depth is sometimes said to be 20 feet; but that depth does not coincide with the volumes reported and likely comes from confusion with another detail, which is that approximately 75 percent of the lake is at least 20 feet deep.

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